Blossoming New Arrival

In the theater of life there’s a new stage,
A baby girl, a dream come true.
Awaiting hearts the family’s embrace,
A precious arrival and love is sweet.

In the hands of fate, a tale unfurls,
The grandmothers joy as they welcome the girl
The Granddaughter that is blessed beyond measure
Through the corridors, the nurse in stride,
A journey of wonder, with love guided by grace.

Aunts and Uncles have excitement in their eyes,
Anticipating glimpses of the newborn’s cries.
The father’s embrace, both tender and strong,
Calming tears with a lullaby’s song.

From the theater emerged a new mother’s glow,
A scene so enchanting, a magical show.
Flowers bloomed! A colorful array,
Celebrating love that safely led to this joyous day.

In the cradle of love, a family complete,
A harmony of hearts, in rhythm, they beat.
A newborn’s cry is laughter, a melody pure,
A celebration of life, forever to endure.


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