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My Dairyland ❤️

I can’t lie to you that i can contain this sadness that my awesome friend, who I have also chosen to call my Dairyland won’t be here for life. You are indeed a gift from God and everything Dairyland means.…

Keep your bouquet fresh 🌹

Flowers are given as a symbol of love, life passion and Beauty, innocence and also as a sign of consolation and resurrection in times of death. And since Valentine’s day was yesterday, maybe it’s the right time to share with…

Let Love Win

There are a times in life we do things that we aren’t proud of. And it’s okay. You don’t need to be proud of yourself nor your family. It’s understandable. You might hate your parents or say your guardian. It’s…

MY 💖💞

Thinking of you makes me think of this song…. Run to You By Lea Michele Because it’s tonight that I feel I can relate to it more. I love you My. Here in My Boston. I miss you. The choice…